Tuesday 29 May 2012

taylas robot

 My robot is realy helpful because it is a super hero it has wings and it has a arm that is a fire hose  it also have two anntenaes one is for lisining from fare away and the uover anntenae cane shoot lasers

Abbie's Robot

my robot is cool because it can fly and has cool powers. the        an tenays  shoots powers.

casey roobot

it  got   wings to   fly.  it got arms to crash peepl up fo dina,   it got  weels fo the  feet. it go t a  pa 
my  roobot

shanin robot

it   got   big  eyes.   it  has  circle hands. her  name  is  shanin.


my    robot      is     cool    because      it      has    cool       stuf.




khadija and robbie

my    robbot       is     good beause  it    has   a     jetpac

my robot is made with lots of decorations and i worked hard for it.

RAHA and bethany robots

I am  improved  with my robot   becos et can   pec  evre    wer      the    rubish.

My robot dlivers food becose  it runs all ova


 I am proud of my robot because it is a helping robot. My robot will help you with literacy, maths and every other subject.

My robot takes people on holidays.The people need to go to place.

Annabelle and Sadate's Robot

i  like the way i made my robot   because  i   used  the  things  i  whontid.it pinches.


I CANT  BELLEV   I make  my  robot  i  used  jet pack to fly. in the  world  to    newcascle

Monday 28 May 2012

Our "Don't drop litter" Poster Competition

Ben from Enviromental Services at Newcastle City Council who gave us a very interesting talk all about what happens to our rubbish in Newcastle and how things can be recycled has set us the task of creating a poster to try to stop people dropping litter and recycling.  He is going to judge the best entries.

Well done everyone, you all did your best and thought carefully about how to spread the message of why not to throw litter and how we should always recycle.

Here is the shortlisted entries:










Monday 21 May 2012

Recycled Alien Robot Invasion!!!

Our Recycled Reused Robots

We made our robots out of old milk bottles and bottle tops. We have been learning to construct a robot using a range of model joining techniques and practising a range of model making skills using scissors, glue and sellotape.

When we were making our robots we had to think carefully about the function of our robot. What can it do? Some can fly, some recycle and some can even serve food to you!

We are Robots!

We are busy robots!

What we did:

• First we wrapped our bottle in foil and pierced holes on either side of the bottle.
• Next we added arms and hands, hooks or pincers and attached them to the bottle using split pins.

• Then we made a control box using foil and a flap for a compartment.
• After that we made a head using a rolled up piece of card, a bottle top and a pipe cleaner for an antennae.
• Finally we personalised our robots by adding buttons and eyes using materials such as stickers and pom poms. We made a function for our robots giving them wheels, wings and helicopter blades.

Friday 11 May 2012

Homework Challenge! Binbusters!

Be a Bin buster

Repair, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and put litter in the bin!

Can you write some comments on the kinds of recycling you have been doing at home this week?

It can be anything you have recycled at home or rubbish you have remembered to put in a bin. It could be that you've helped a brother to remember to put your rubbish in the bin or helped a grown up to recycle. It might even be repairing a toy, giving clothes that are too small to charity or making something out of junk materials.

What ever it is, we want to hear about it! Post your comments below!

Recycling Talk

Ben from Enviromental Services at Newcastle City Council gave us a very interesting talk all about what happens to our rubbish in Newcastle and how things can be recycled. Environmental sevices are responsible for our waste disposal, keeping our streets clean, recycling and looking after our parks. We learned loads about why we should recycle and how we should not throw litter.

Here is some interesting information we found out:

-Newcastle spends £10,000,000 a year cleaning rubbish from our streets!

-In the UK councils spend £1 billion on cleaning graffiti.

-If you are over 16 and caught throwing litter you can be fined £50 on the spot.

-Never touch medicines or drugs found on the street. always tell an adult who can phone Environmental services rapid response team to remove the dangerous item!

-Use your blue bin to recycle- "Phil the bin"

-The more we can recycle the less go to landfill sites. Landfill sites are big holes in the ground that are filled with rubbish. The rubbish as it decomposes gives off a harmful gas called methane. Methane is very bad for the environment.

We have been given a special challenge by Ben to design a poster to stop people throwing litter. The best entries will win a special prize!

Always remenber the 4 Rs:


For more information on recycling visit:


Rubbish we found on our litter walk

We found a lot of rubbish that had been thrown in the school fence.

People should always throw their rubbish in a bin. If they can't find a bin they should take it home.

Plastic can be recycled not thrown away!

Metal cans can be recycled too!

Monday 7 May 2012

2OB Litter Survey

20B's Litter Survey

We went on a walk around our local area looking at the different litter thrown away. We were very surprised by what we found!